NEW Mathseeds Map 35 is here

The Mathseeds adventure just keeps growing with our latest map release!
Mathseeds Map 35 contains five brand new lessons which explore year 3 maths concepts, covering times tables, kilograms and grams, mental addition and subtraction, data and more.
Children can join the Mathseeds characters and travel to exciting locations like Stockholm, New Jersey and the Louvre—putting their new skills into action with a host of fun-filled activities.
Map 35 includes:
- Lesson 171, Times Tables: explore the 4x and 8x tables, identify number patterns and investigate the associative property of multiplication.
- Lesson 172, Kilograms & Grams: measure and compare the mass of objects using grams and kilograms. Solve one-step word problems involving mass.
- Lesson 173, Mental + and - Strategies: use the compensation strategy to add and subtract numbers mentally.
- Lesson 174, Data 3: collect data and draw a scaled picture graph. Solve one-step and two-step questions by interpreting information presented in the graph.
- Lesson 175, Comparing Fractions of a Collection: investigate a half, a quarter, a third, a fifth and a tenth of a share. Understand that the denominator tells you how many groups to make.
The journey awaits! Click here to log in and start exploring the latest Mathseeds map today. New users can sign up for a free trial here.