200th Lesson Added to Mathseeds!

We've released our 200th maths lesson in Mathseeds!
The program now fully covers years Kâ3 maths skills and concepts. The latest Map 40 release features five adventure‑filled lessons covering division word problems, whole number fractions, area problem solving and more.
There's so much for children to explore in the Mathseeds program, including 200 self‑paced lessons, hundreds of printable worksheets and Driving Tests to assess their knowledge. Designed by the same team behind the hugely successful Reading Eggs, Mathseeds helps children to develop the strongest foundation possible in maths, setting them up for success at school.
If you haven't already, start your free trial of Reading Eggs and Mathseeds here.
Map 40 features:
- Lesson 196, Division Word Problems: solve word problems that involve division. Interpret the questions and determine unknown quotients
- Lesson 197, Whole Number Fractions: recognise that whole numbers can be written as fractions. Identify whole number fractions on a number line and compare sizes
- Lesson 198, Measurement Data: measure items using centimetres and record data using a graph. Record measurements in whole numbers, halves and quarters. Interpret the results
- Lesson 199, Fluent × ÷ within 100: use a range of strategies to fluently multiply and divide numbers within 100
- Lesson 200, Area Problem Solving: interpret and solve problems involving area. Find the areas of various rectangles using an additive approach.